Ocster Backup Pro 6 All the ideas and discussions
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Make it portable

Adam , 27.05.2011, 07:10
Idea status: under consideration


jwesley, 27.05.2011, 15:27
Just a comment --- after reading your Idea lists - Portability or not --- if someone is going to pirate you, they'll find a way.

Sales is what it's all about. There is a dearth of software out there ... proving yours is best is what it's all about and that's not easy; and selling as much as possible, is the ultimate goal. Portability, I believe , will increase that goal because in today's world, many, many are seeking just that --- and not for stealing purposes. All software can be pirated. You take what steps are possible to prevent it, yet you have to make it available in forms the buying public wants, and take a few on the chin if necessary . . . while reaping the rewards from the honest.

I generally don't buy or use Portable software, so it's immaterial to me either way. I just feel you have to think Sales, versus, Thieves (without forgetting them of course).

If I sell a pair of shoes, and you sell a pair of shoes - mine are bright and shiny, yours dull and dirty ....

mine MAY get stolen before yours, BUT, I can guarantee you they will Sell before yours and for every pair I lose, I'll make money on a lot more others.

That's my way of thinking anyway...


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